March 28, 2025
Sushi-Making Kits

The Best Sushi-Making Kits For Beginners

In this article, we are going to discuss about Sushi-Making Kits. Everyone who loves sushi has always thought that you need to be a professional to make it. 

But haven’t you ever wished that there was a way you could make it at home as a beginner? 

I have to. But now you don’t have to because sushi-making kits exist!

And it wasn’t until I started taking sushi-making classes that I learned that they do. This may seem obvious, but it was a revelation to me. I mean, as a food lover and affluent cook, I would finally be able to make sushi in the comfort of my own home.

So I’m going to show you the best sushi-making kits for beginners I bought from Amazon so that you can have that opportunity, too!

I’ll rank them based on affordability, ease of use, and how many quality items it includes. I will also be showing you how to use each one, what it’s like in use, and my final thoughts to let you be part of the jury of deciding which sushi maker is the best.

Let’s go.

Before You Buy

Before you buy a sushi-making kit, you first need to know what basic items you need to be included in it to make it a quality product.

So pull out your photographic memory or a notepad and a pencil, ’cause here comes a list of things you’ll need to remember!

When selecting your very first sushi kit, make sure it includes at least two sushi-rolling mats, since one could break from overuse. It also means you’ll have an extra sushi mat to share with another family member as you make the sushi! You should also make sure that they’re made of bamboo since this material is stronger than plastic and will last longer.

Next, make sure you have chopsticks included. Even though chopsticks do come sold separately, it’s better to have them included with the sushi maker, as you could have it all delivered in one same package. 

As for how many sets of chopsticks you should have included in the kit is entirely up to you since it depends on the size of your family or the people you plan to feed. Although just to let you know,most sushi-making kits bring from 4 to 6 sets of chopsticks, so you can decide from there.

What you’ll need after that is a sushi mold, also known as a sushi bazooka. This item resembles a bazooka gun with its cylinder-like shape, in which you can stuff sushi rice and fish inside so that it can pop out into the seaweed already formed with no hassle! So in that way, the sushi bazooka is essential to the beginner, and therefore must be in your first sushi kit.

Some other items that might appear in your kit area rice spreader, a paddle, chopstick holders, a sushi knife, etc. But these are not as essential, and therefore qualify as a bonus to your order.

Delamu Beginner Sushi Maker

Image: Delamu Store

First up, we have the Delamu Beginner Sushi Maker. It’s 9.5 inches by 9 inches and includes 5 pairs of chopsticks, 2 sushi mats, a paddle, a rice spreader, and 1 PDF guide on sushi making for beginners, allfor $13.99 on Amazon. The sushi mats and the chopsticks are made of bamboo, and the chopsticks have textured tips to make grabbing sushi and other foods easier.

How to Use

To use this sushi maker, first, you have to lay a sheet of seaweed (sold separately) onto the sushi mat. Then, put on a layer of cooked sushi rice with the rice spreader included.

In Use

While I was using this one,


My final thoughts on this one? It could be better.

While this is on our best sushi makers list, and it’s just $13.99, it seems like a good deal. You get all of these things for less than $15.

But, after we saw how many more elements we need to have a complete sushi kit, this one lies in the bottom position.


ISSEVEBazooka Spreader Machine

Image: ISSEVE Store

Next up, we have the ISSEVE Bazooka Spreader Machine. It comes in the “sushi tool” size for $31.99 and the “sushi tool plus” size for $35.99.

The “sushi tool” size includes 4 sets of chopsticks, a sushi knife, 2 sets of sushi rollers made of bamboo, ISSEVE’s sushi bazooka™, a rice spreader, and 4 duck-shaped chopstick holders. This makes it a 12-in-1 item.

The “sushi tool plus” size brings the same as the “sushi tool” size, but with a musubi mold, which is a mold that BLANKS, which makes it a 13-in-1 item for $4 more.

How to Use

– Chop up your fish with your chosen sushi knife

In Use

So when I tried making sushi with it, 


I honestly don’t believe that you should use the sushi knife it brings as an option. 

This is because it’s a smaller, less sharp knife that sells itself as professional but isn’t. 

You’re better off getting one of some of the ones I talk about in this article about The Best Sushi Knives.


#1 – Delamu Bazooka

Last up, we have another Delamu sushi maker, except it’s called the Delamu. 

But don’t be fooled; this is one of the best sushi-making kits for complete beginners, as it is.

How to Use

– Chop up your fish with your chosen sushi knife…


In Use



I honestly don’t believe that you should use the sushi knife it brings as an option. 

This is because it’s a smaller, less sharp knife that sells itself as professional but isn’t. 

You’re better off getting one of some of the ones I talk about in this article about The Best Sushi Knives.



The Best Sushi Making KitWinner

All in all, the sushi maker that I found the best 

, sushi mat, sushi maker, sushi mold